...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)
Showing posts with label random musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random musings. Show all posts



Here they are,
belated highlights of the big 3-7:

Oh breakfast crepes, oh breakfast crepes
thy taste is so delicious!
Oh breakfast crepes, oh breakfast crepes
I enjoy thee ev'ry year!

In the afternoon, we went to the Lab of O.
(aka the Lab of Ornithology.)

I had a lovely encounter through the observatory windows
with a pair of geese, the male in particular.

He had a watchful, soulful eye
set on me and my camera.

 Eventually he either tired or relaxed,
closing his watchful eye,
standing on one foot.
Poor fellow's left wing feathers were a bit ragged.

He looked like he was doing qigong,
which I had done earlier in the morning.


While the geese were on the shore, the ducks were out on the pond,
having their ducky frivolities, i.e. a fabulous time.

Interesting how two very different emotions can be evoked
from practically right next to each other,
from the sublime to the silly.
You would think they'd be a world apart,
but not at all.

Another lesson from our winged friends.

If you've never been to the Lab of O,
I highly recommend it.

I also recommend going into the sound room,
where you can listen and learn about the sounds of so many birds.
They even have some frogs, insects, and a few mammals.

They also have some gorgeous nests in display cases.
I love this one that was probably made with part of an old blue tarp.

 There's a fantastic new mural that was impossible to capture with my camera.

Everything is life-size, painted to scale.
There is nothing like this.

To say that the scope is grand would be an understatement.
It spans hundreds of millions of years to the modern day.
Every family of bird is represented.
 The magnificent frigatebird above is perched on top of a sprinkler.

If you can't visit it in person (and even if you can!)
Check out the interactive version of the mural online here:


The entire project is beyond spectacular,
and absolutely breath-taking.


It was a birdy birthday,
but my birthday dessert was most certainly for people,
(though it did have some seed brittle that many a bird may enjoy):

Sasha made an exquisite cheesecake (with goat cheese!)
with seed brittle (sesame seeds and poppy seeds!)
served with a yummmmmmmy blood orange sauce.

Grateful, grateful.



June Hunter's blog

Hey there Readers,

My apologies for the lapse between posts.  It's been busy-busy-busy here.
I'm aiming to do a belated birthday blog this weekend, but I also have some other writing assignments I really have to tackle, so if I don't get around to it, suffice to say, the big 3-7 was quite lovely.  Thank you to my wonderful family, and to my fantastic niece Kaylee, who "quacked" the birthday song for me.  (I love being her Aunt Ducky!)  

For now, though, I wanted to tell you about a fabulous blog, definitely worth a browse when you have the time.  June Hunter is in Vancouver, BC, and she takes AMAZING photos, makes beautiful nature and bird-inspired jewelry, and my favorite of all -- she's a great observer of crows.


Grab a cup of something warm and hang out with June.
And Hank.  And his mate Vera.



Merry Christmas 2015!

Merry Christmas!

 We're very grateful this Christmas to have our boy Huck still with us.
He is nearly 10 months post-surgery, and going strong...!
Full of spirit... he amazes me every day.

He has taught me so much...
about life,
about gratitude
and fortitude
about making the best of things.

He has never shown self-pity.
Not even once.

We had a scare a couple of weeks ago, when we thought we were going to lose him.
We feared the cancer had returned,
but it turned out to be an awful abscess in his right rear foot,
making it extremely difficult for him to walk.  

It was a serious infection, and he could have died.
Dogs can live with 3 legs, but not 2...

Luckily he's getting better every day.
We're so incredibly relieved...!
He's such a dear, dear boy.
And his sister Clara has been such a sweet angel,
waiting patiently in the background while his needs took precedence.  

 Oh, Clara...  assuming her usual position
(snug as a big giant bug on a rug, snoring away).

We might not have snow around here,
but thanks to our wonderful Great Pyrenees, we still had a "white" Christmas!
 This is "snow" left behind from a brushing session...!

 Some people spin it into yarn, so we might check that out.
I could spin the fur into yarn and Boo could get busy with her knitting needles.
We'd have enough for a sweater in no time flat!

Merry Christmas to all!

And to all a Good Night.


weekend pleasures in early autumn

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the weekend.
Wonderful, wonderful weekend!

In summer, the weekends blur together,
but once the school year starts, 
they take on a whole new dimension. 

We did a whole bunch of stuff this weekend... 
I soaked up every minute of it.

I'll share some highlights:

This weekend Boo warmed up the chilly house 
with late-season tomatoes cooking on the stove...

(You can often get a box of utility canning tomatoes at the Farmer's Market...)

I love watching (and smelling!) the pots full of sauce concentrate their flavors.

I think the sides of the pot are like the rock layers along the highway
where you can look at all of the layers going back through time...

I like to walk into the kitchen 
and look at 
all the layers of tomato, boiling
into sweet 
and savory bliss.

I'm trying to cook a little more,
and during the weekend it's nice to have a leisurely time of it.
I tried a recipe from the NY Times my friend Sarah recommended to me.
Chard and sweet corn gratin with gruyere and parmesan.

It was wonderful!!!

especially with some roasted cauliflower...

all those crunchy browned bits

I had fun harvesting the chard and rosemary from our garden
in one of our gathering baskets.

And getting to use eggs from our girls,
(thank you Goldie and Kalinda!)
and milk from Barb and Steve's jersey cows...

 No matter who is doing the cooking,
it always feels so good 
and so right
to have such fresh and wholesome ingredients,
to know where everything came from.

My hard-working little honey finished stacking the wood we got delivered!
Me oh my, what a worker bee, worker Boo!
We put last year's leftover wood, the most seasoned stuff, off to the side to use up first.
I love the way stacked wood looks.
All those wedges and odd shapes,
it's great abstract art.

 I'm super proud of myself for gathering up my courage 
to finally try out the small chainsaw we bought in the summer...

I had to cut up some logs from the property that were too long for our fireplace,
and I did it!  
Sawdust sprays EVERYWHERE!  
Once I got into the groove of feeling like I could be safe with a very scary tool,
it was actually kind of fun!

 We have a pile of scrap wood next to our firewood shed
where despite being relatively crushed and boxed in, 
this rose continues to bloom.

 Resilience is a beautiful thing, eh?

 At the end of each day,
after our nightly chores of feeding the koi in the pond
and tucking the chickens into the coop,
I walk by the Arcosanti bell in the oak tree by the house.

More often than not,
I see my sweet little chickadee friend roosting in there for the night,
his little tail peeking out from underneath the bell. 

He was there last summer,
and off and on throughout the winter,
and he's still with us now.

Oh, I love that little fellow.

It's so important 
to have the weekend
to reconnect in a deeper way with 

with the place 
and the people
and the things 
that sustain us.


p.s. Isn't it wonderful that the weekend 
is only ever a handful of days away!


chicken... saddles

So what exactly is a chicken saddle?
I wondered the same thing myself...
The first mental image that I conjured up when I heard
"chicken" and "saddle" together
was a whimsical little world 
where a charming field mouse 
with a great personality
(let's call him Mr. Perkins)
was riding a chicken to get somewhere.
"Giddy-up, Hen Betty!"
Mr. Perkins would be going somewhere important, of course.
And Hen Betty and Mr. Perkins would be wonderful friends.  

Alas, the reality is far less interesting,
and born out of utter practicality. 

So who's riding the chickens, you ask?
Well, the damn rooster is riding the chickens.

And with only two girls currently in his little flock, they're getting a lot of action.
And to make matters worse, he has a very clear favorite.

Betty, our white plymouth rock,
 is a spunky little thing who is fast on her feet and does her own thing.
She manages to escape his "amorous" advances.  
 Goldie, our gold-laced wyandotte, on the other hand, 
is not fast or spunky at all.
  And she is the unlucky favorite of Emmaline,
as evidenced by her damaged back/wing feathers and her semi-bald head.

 Poor Goldie.

We really hate it.

We would give Emmaline to a more farmy farm any day of the week,
but the reality is that we keep seeing very hungry Cooper's hawks circling overhead.
Like multiple times daily.

This has been a hard winter on birds of prey.
They took two of our precious girls in late fall / early winter.

 Right above the entrance to our chicken yard.

Rest in Peace, Wellie.

Rest in Peace, Buttercup.
(Buttercup was a real hoot -- she only ever laid a few times, 
but she liked to go lay on top of this bag of pine shavings!)


So, short of keeping The Littles all cooped up in their very tiny coop,
we've decided to keep Emmaline the lascivious rough ridin' rooster around...
in order to be their bodyguard. 

Emmaline seems to do a good job of watching after them.
 You should see the way he stands around, posturing and flapping his big wings.
He takes his job quite seriously.

 He's constantly standing watch, and scanning the skies and surroundings for predators.

When he finds a food source, he makes a specific call to alert the girls that he's found food.
He always let's them eat first.  He can actually be a real gentleman in some ways, 
if you ignore his rough love pecks.  

Emmaline never lets either of the girls in his care stray far, 
especially not his beloved Goldie.

She can't get very far from him before he starts stalking after her.

 He does this funny thing with his wing, where he drops one wing to the ground
and makes some staccato movements and sounds.
At first we thought it was a pre-mounting routine, but it doesn't seem to be.
It seems to be when he's "herding" her, trying to get her to stay in a certain area. 
"Sh!t b!tch!  Stay up here! Don't go too far from the coop!"

 She tried to tell him about personal space, but he just doesn't get it.
He's part chivalrous knight and part caveman.  
"Me rooster."
  "Space dangerous."  
"You no get no space."

So back to the whole chicken saddle thing.

The saddle is to protect the chickens from Emmaline's advances.
It covers their back and provides some protection where he mounts and "treads" on them.

Boo made some saddles the other day after getting upset about how damaged Goldie's feathers were.
She made them in a flash...  She's amazing like that!
She found a template online and stitched them right up.

The saddles don't impede the girls' ability to flap their wings or fly up onto a perch 
or anything of the sort.
They just provide a little covering. 

As time goes on, I imagine we'll have a variety of fashions that the girls can sport, 
but for now, they have two great saddles that are doing the trick.
Boo even thought to make some felt "eyes" to sew on the saddles
 after reading that those big eyes can deter aerial predators.

Hawks have such amazing vision 
I can't imagine they'd be fooled, 
but whatever... it can't hurt!

Some websites even say that a good saddle can make it harder for a hawk to kill a hen.
Well, that would certainly be nice.

Hawks are expert killers, so I can't imagine a little fabric would deter them all that much.
But hey, let's just hope it *could* work.
We love our hens so much we want to know we did everything possible 
to give them the best life and the best chance of survival.

It's a tough balance to strike, but we keep working at it.

 We can already see room for some saddle improvements.
It would be wise to use a sturdier fabric - even canvas,
especially because Emmaline's talons are quite sharp.
So is his beak. 

I've been pecked several times by Emmaline and unlike a hen, who will peck and retract,
roosters seem to give a very sharp peck and then lock their beak on.
It's painful!  Emmaline has even drawn blood on my hand.
After one long latch-on to the skin on the top of my hand,
I was about ready to turn him into coque au vin!

But every time I see those hawks circling overhead, 
or the red fox 
or the resident mink
or various other predator tracks who loves to eat chickens
like raccoons, coyotes,
or even our neighbors disobedient dog 
who runs through their electric fence all the time
coming over to sniff things out...

I'm thankful for Emmaline.
Emmaline has an important job.

I do think that if a hawk swooped down,
Emmaline would come between the hawk and the hens.
And in the mean time, 
I think the saddles will help keep the peace between us, Emmaline, and the hens.
At the very least, it'll keep some feathers in tact,
and it won't ruffle ours quite so much.

So there you have it.
The story of chicken saddles.

Now we just need to figure out how to make a helmet for Goldie's poor little head!

 Boo is toying around with the idea of a tall collar 
that would come up off the back of the neck of the saddle, 
and cover the head if the hen is mounted or attacked.

Either that or Goldie needs a chain maille helmet!
