...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts


the edible moon project

My friend Sarah told me about this awhile back...
I think it might have been her niece, working on a project for school,
who made the phases of the moon out of Oreos!

This project may give new meaning to the term 'full moon'
since you'll eat your way through it...  

I loved this idea and finally made it for myself.
All you need is a pointy knife or toothpick and some cookies.

Being the super duper organic eaters that we are, we of course don't have Oreos around... 
I stopped at our local co-op to get these one version of 'healthier' knock-offs.

They're a pathetic waste of calories, in my opinion.    
(barely any cream, and what cream there is -- is pasty, dry, and and overly sweet.) 

So folks, the lesson is:  if you're going to try this at home, I highly suggest getting actual Oreos.  

Probably the top cookie makes a cleaner break than these, too,
 which would make for an even nicer MOON. 

You'll need 7 cookies to show the 8 phases, since the new moon requires no cream.

And here's the 'triple moon' symbol
(waxing, full, waning)
aka the 'triple goddess' 
which in paganism stands for the three natural phases of a woman's life
(maiden, mother, crone).

Have fun getting jiggy with your moons!  


moon, moon


Images from a super awesome out of print book I found at the Booksale.
It's called 'Moon, Moon' by Anne Kent Rush (1976).
It's full of moon lore, poems, songs, images,
and explores the relationship between women and the moon.
It's one of my favorite books to just open up anywhere and start reading.
Now we're coming upon
the November full moon.
In some Native traditions, 
the November moon is called
the geese going moon
 the beaver moon
the frost moon
It's also called
the moon when the water is black with leaves
the moon when the rivers begin to freeze
the moon when all is gathered in.
I love all of these Native moon names.
(and there are so many more!)
They're so alive and resonant.
I like the way the names roll of my tongue,
and remind me that even cold, dark November
is beautiful
and holy
with it's clear place in the order of things,
rooted in place
and time
and meaning.
What other name would you give
to the November moon?


waning moon on a December morn

Oh how I love when the moon is still visible in the morning!
A little magic leftover from the night before...

Here she is setting at about 7:30am behind some aspens in our back yard. 

Something about trees in general seems joyous to me, and these aspens are no exception. 
It's as if they greet the sky with exaltation, no matter what the weather or time of year. 

I hope to be more like the trees...