My little friend has been knitting up storms lately.
Mostly hat storms.
She's had a hat-a-day habit.
(Though now she's moving onto knitted chickens!)
Just like with her cooking and baking, she simply invents things.
Makes them up. Apparently out of her wonderful imagination.
Sprinkle of this, dash of that...
Knit here, purl there.
Most of the time everything (food and wool) turns out amazingly well.
I ask her to tell me how she does it so I can share it on the blog
and she dismisses me with comments of shapes, graph paper, and just 'winging it.'
Rolling with the inspiration, taking a risk.
Making adjustments if necessary.
This is how she does life.
Just a sprinkle of planning, and the rest is however the wind moves her or her feet take her.
Thank goodness the wind led her my way!
Without further ado, here are more photos of her spontaneous hats.
There are no patterns. But if you really want to know how she did it,
she might have more patience in explaining it to you than to me.
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